The Injuries has released figures that show a significant increase in the number of compensation claims being taken by Workers injured by scalds and burns.
In 2012, forty two workers received compensation awards as a result of suffering a burn or scald in the course of their employment. Compensation of over €1.33million was awarded over a 2 year period with the average compensation award being €19,066.00.
The highest award for a scald or burn was €106,949.00 and related to an acid spill. Hazardous chemicals spills and splashes accounted for a small proportion of employer liability awards in 2011 and 2012. The average award was €28,255.00
The majority of these accidents were caused by boiling water over flowing, splashes from hot liquids and sauces, hazardous chemical and acid burns, items of clothing catching fire and faulty equipment causing scalding.
Speaking about the latest figures released by the Injuries Liam Moloney, Personal Injury Solicitor said today “these figures show that burns and scalds can happen all too easily in the workplace, particularly for workers in the kitchens of Restaurants, Hotels and Bars. Cleaners too face risks when handling boiling water or working with hazardous chemicals. Employers should ensure they have in place adequate safety procedures to avoid burns and scalds.”
If you have suffered a workplace injury Liam Moloney, Solicitor in Naas can help you process your compensation claim to the Injury Please feel free to contact Moloney Solicitors today at 045-898000 or simply e-mail for further information in relation to your case.