The injuries Board has published figures which has confirmed that 173 Kildare based applicants received compensation awards in the first 6 months of this year.
The average compensation award was £28,103 which is an increase of over 3% on the previous year.
The reason given for an overall 10% increase in the number of compensation claims to the Board in the first half of 2013 was a higher volume of motor claims.
It is estimated that up to 90% of Applicants to the Board retain Solicitors to given them advice on the process.
In 2011, the Injuries Board received 27,669 applications and made 9,803 awards.
In 2012, the Injuries Board awarded compensation of €22million in respect of 807 claims for workplace accidents. The highest award for a workplace accident in 2012 was €332,143.00. the average award for a workplace accident was €27,286.00 with the awards for men being slightly higher at €27,657.00. Women received on average awards of €26,456.00.
Slips, trips and falls were the most common accident type accounting for over 33% of all awards for workplace accidents. January was the safest month while July saw the highest level of accidents throughout the year.
Speaking about the latest figures in relation to compensation claims, Liam Moloney, Personal Injury Litigation Solicitor in Naas Co Kildare said today “ the figures released by the Injuries confirm that while they received in 2011 27,669 applications they only made 9,833 awards. The figures also show that Kildare continues to have an upwards trend for motor, public and workplace accidents”.