Any person who has been unfortunate enough to be involved in an accident knows how difficult it can be to deal with Insurance Companies. Between having to notify your own Insurance Company and get estimates for repair costs for your vehicle, keeping receipts for all expenses incurred, trying to get a response from the other side’s Insurance Company regarding fault and simply getting a new car on the road can all be a very stressful time.
Our firm tries to make this process as simple as possible for our clients. When we are initially contacted by an injury client we take care of the following –
- We immediately advise the clients to get an estimate from a reputable garage and give it to us which we then send on to the Insurance Company.
- If a vehicle is written off we make sure that our clients get the correct pre-accident value for the vehicle and an appropriate sum for salvage.
- We advise our clients to take photographs of the damage to the vehicle to make sure that these photos are available for evidence at the trial if necessary.
- We get all relevant details from our client’s to include their medical history, any previous accidents, what injuries they received in the accident and what doctors and hospitals they attended.
- We contact the Gardai to make sure that the information given by the other party is correct.
- We prepare the appropriate application forms for The Injuries Board and submit the claim to The Injuries Board promptly.
- We arrange for our clients to be reviewed by the appropriate doctors to make sure that the reports obtained are comprehensive. Sometimes this can involve reports from Orthopaedic Surgeons, Neurologists, Neurosurgeons and Actuaries if a loss of earnings has occurred.
We aim to make the process SIMPLE and stress free for all of our clients.
Please contact us today at 045-898000 so we can help you to make the process stress-free.