A leading medical lawyer has blasted the Government for failing to introduce legislation to regulate the use of sunbeds. Liam Moloney said today that the available evidence indicates that the cosmetic use of sun beds, especially by minors, should be banned because of the associated increase of skin cancer and other health problems.
He said “there is no regulation by the State of the use of sunbeds. Evidence has shown that any use of sunbeds increases the risk of cancer and that UVR emitted by sunbeds is a “known cancer causing agent” and that using sun beds before the age of 30 can increase the risk of developing melanoma skin cancer by up to 75%.
Mr Moloney said “the former Minister for Health Mary Harney announced in June 2006 that a Bill would be introduced to regulate the use of sunbeds which was to include a ban on their use by minors. Many outlets are unsupervised and customers are allowed unlimited use of the beds. This Bill should be immediately published to protect consumers.”
Mr Moloney pointed out that the Irish Medicines Board which regulates the cosmetic industry has no role whatsoever in the regulation of the sunbed industry. He said “sun bed premises should, at a minimum, be required to register with the HSE and they should be given powers to inspect sun bed premises in relation to health and safety issues.
If any of these issues affect you or if you have received injuries from the use of sun beds please contact Liam Moloney, Solicitor, Naas, Co. Kildare for specialist advice in relation to your rights for compensation on 045 898000 or simply log onto www.moloneysolicitors.ie