Mirapex is prescribed to people with primary restless leg syndrome and signs of symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
Parkinson’s disease is a brain disorder that is characterised by a lack of dopamine in the brain, which is the chemical that creates co-ordinated muscle activity. Once 80% of the necessary dopamine is depleted, signs of Parkinson’s disease begin to become noticeable. These signs include tremors, slowness of movement, stiffness, balance difficulty, cramped hand writing, stiff facial expression, muffled speech and depression.
What causes restless leg syndrome?
No one is sure what causes the condition but it is believed to be heredity. Primary restless leg syndrome is incurable, but secondary restless leg syndrome, which is caused from by pregnancy, anaemia or iron deficiency goes away once the underlying causes have been treated.
What is Mirapex for?
Mirapex is for people who have primary restless leg syndrome or Parkinson’s disease.
What side effects can Mirapex cause?
Mirapex can cause you to fall asleep while you are going about your daily activities. Mirapex is more likely to cause you to fall asleep suddenly if it is combined with alcohol. Mirapex can also cause:
- Low blood pressure
- Hallucinations
- Nausea
- Confusion
- Abnormal movements
- Increased rick of developing skin cancer
When should you contact your doctor?
You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience the following:
- Dizziness
- Fainting
- Hallucinations
- Skin growths
- Pregnancy
- Sleepiness
If you have suffered an adverse reaction to taking Mirapex you should immediately contact your doctor and also seek advice from a personal injury lawyer as you may be entitled to recover compensation. Liam Moloney Solicitor specialises in drug injuries and can be contacted at 045 898000 or simply log onto www.moloneysolicitors.ie