Many individuals who end up becoming clients of Moloney and Co have questions. Sometimes these relate to the specifics of their case, for example is their case time-barred? Do they have a case in the first place? Can they pursue a course of action in their country of residence or in a particular court? Do specific EU laws apply? As every case is different, we strongly recommend getting in touch with us to investigate your specific situation. You can get in touch with us here or else complete the form on the right and we’ll get back to you right away.
In other cases, they are keen to find out more about us as a firm and whether we would be a good fit for them. You can find out more about us by visiting this page here.
In yet other cases, we receive inquiries about what the current state of law is on a particular point. For this type of specialized information, visit our news and updates section here and if you cannot find what you are looking for please get in touch by clicking here or else completing the form on the right. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Legal Costs Explained
If you instruct Moloney Solicitors to act on your behalf whether it is an injury claim, medical negligence case or an employment law matter, we will ensure that you are advised correctly in relation to the fees that you will be charged”.
We will explain to you at the commencement of your case how legal fees are charged by our firm. This information will be furnished to you in writing and we will happily answer any queries or questions you have regarding fees before your case starts or during the conduct of the case itself.
Where money is needed to fund the cost of getting x rays, medical records or medical reports or paying for Court fees, we will pay these fees on your behalf which we will get reimbursed from the Defendant’s insurance company when your case has been settled or when a Court award of compensation is made to you. In some cases however we may not be able to get full reimbursement of these sums but we will do our best to get all of the sums refunded. Sometimes there are shortfalls with regard to the costs of medical reports which can be expensive. Unfortunately any such shortfall that arises will have to be refunded to us from your settlement monies.
We bill on the basis of time spent and the complexity of the case. Unfortunately under the Injuries Board process the Defendant’s insurance company does not have to pay your legal fees. In some cases they will make a contribution towards your fees and these will be credited to you in your final account. You will know exactly how much money you are getting because we will always furnish you with a detailed statement so that you know what the net amount to you is after deduction of all fees and outlays.
If the Injuries Board does not make an assessment in your case or if you or the insurance company reject the assessment made, then your case will have to be litigated through the Courts. If your case is settled through the Court process or a Court award is made after the hearing of the case, then the majority of your legal fees to include Barristers’ fees and doctors’ fees will be paid by the Defendants. Once the case has been finished we will prepare a detailed Bill of Costs which will include Barristers’ fees, doctors’ fees, witness fees and expert report fees which we will then furnish to the Defendant’s insurance company. We will do our utmost to make sure that the majority of these fees and outlays are recovered. Unfortunately you will still be liable for the costs of all work done during the Injuries Board process as the Defendant’s insurers will never cover these costs
Many thanks for your interest in Moloney Solicitors.
Common Questions
What is the time period in which I can pursue a claim for compensation arising out of an accident?
A claim must be registered with the Injuries within two years of the date of the accident or the claim will be statute barred.
What documents do I need to register my claim for compensation with the Injuries
You will have to submit an application form (Form A), a medical report and a cheque/postal order for €45 to register the claim with the Board.
How will I know when my claim is registered with the Injuries Board?
Your solicitor will lodge the necessary documentation with the Board and will ensure that the claim is registered under Section 50 of the Act.
How will I know who the correct Defendant/Respondent is to sue?
Your Solicitor will ensure that the appropriate searches are carried out to identify the correct title of the Defendant/Respondent. That might involve carrying out the appropriate Companies Office searches, as sometimes Defendants can trade under different names.
What will happen if I name myself an incorrect Defendant/Respondent on the Injuries Board application?
It is not advisable to act on your own behalf in Personal Injury claims. Legal procedures can be complicated and if you name the wrong Defendant/Respondent your case could be dismissed.
How long does the Injuries Board process take?
The process can take up to fifteen months but normally a claim is resolved within a period of nine to twelve months.
Will the Injuries Board provide for my legal fees?
The Injuries Board when they make assessments do not provide for payment of legal fees by Defendant’s insurance companies.