The Irish Medicines Board has warned parents to be aware of the danger posed by the contents of some children’s face paints when purchasing them this Halloween.
High levels of lead have been found in some brands of children’s cosmetics in the last number of years. Parents have been advised by the IMB to review the ingredients of each pack of face paints.
The IMB have warned that exposure to lead remains a risk which if excessive can result in toxic effects such as hyper activity and impulsive or aggressive behaviour.
Parents have been warned that if a product raises any suspicions, i.e. –
- If it doesn’t include an EU manufacturing or distribution address,
- Doesn’t contain a list of ingredients,
- Has poor product information or is extremely cheap it should not be purchased.
If you think one of your children has sustained an adverse reaction to face paints or one of your children show symptoms such as hyper activity or impulsive or aggressive behaviour they should immediately be seen by their doctor. The product in question should also be retained for the purposes of testing. Your child may also be entitled to recover compensation for product liability.
If any of these issues affect you please feel free to contact Liam Moloney, Solicitor, today by emailing him at or simply log onto our website for further information concerning your rights.