Volkswagen, despite having reached a deal in the United States in which they have agreed to pay regulators and car owners $14.7 billion, “the largest penalty levied against an auto maker in US history” continue to refuse to pay compensation to car owners affected by the emissions scandal here.
Moloney Solicitors have been instructed by hundreds of car owners who purchased these affected vehicles.
Most of the money in the United States will be used to buy back cars and compensate affected customers with cash payments.
Our clients are seeking damages for negligence, breach of duty, breach of contract, misrepresentation and negligent misstatement by Volkswagen and it’s dealers. They are also seeking repudiation and/or rescission of the agreements made to buy their vehicles and seeking Orders for the return of the monies paid to the Volkswagen Group for their vehicles.
Another significant issue for vehicle owners is the question of depreciation. As a result of the actions of the manufacturer and car dealerships in selling these cars, many car owners will be faced with a loss in value of their car when they go to re-sell or trade in the vehicles. Although the manufacturer is denying that the cheat devices installed in the cars will lead to any reduction in their value, this is yet to be confirmed as correct. It is also unclear at the moment as to whether there will be a loss in engine performance or fuel performance after the proposed modifications are done.
Anyone who purchased a vehicle that is affected by the emissions scandal should not agree to any works being done on their vehicle in the absence of having their own motor engineer present when the modification is being done. They should also seek, through their engineer, the following details-
- Precisely what works are going to be done to the vehicle.
- What guarantee/warranty (if any) will be given in respect of the said vehicle.