The Injuries Board, the government body that assesses personal injury claims and makes awards relating to motor, employer and public liability accidents has revealed new figures that show that the number of claims being made to them is continuing to increase.
The injuries board made 10,656 personal injury awards in 2013. This is an increase of over 5% compared to 2012. The total value of these awards was €243.5 million which is also an increase of 11.7% on the €218 million awarded in 2012.
The board has attributed the increase in these figures to the higher number of claims being processed by them.
By law, all personal injury claims (with the exception of some cases like medical negligence cases) must be lodged with The Injuries Board first for assessment. It is advisable for all applicants to have legal representation to assist them in ensuring they get the correct amount of compensation for their injuries.
Commenting on the figures Liam Moloney Personal Injuries Solicitor in Naas, Co Kildare said “the increase in the number of personal injury claims being processed by the board reflects the continuing danger on our roads and in the workplace.”
Mr Moloney continued, “the fact that 75% of awards made by The Injuries Board were for road traffic accidents continues to highlight the danger on Irish roads. Motor claims increased by over 8% in the last year. The average award in 2013 was €22,847 which highlights the importance of retaining a Solicitor to guide claimants through the process and to ensure the medical evidence submitted to the board is fair and not biased in favour of insurance companies”
He added “it is important that people get independent advice before attending any medical appointment arranged by the injuries board. People should always ask if the doctor that is going to examine them and do a report has any connection whatsoever with any of the insurance companies in the State.”