The Injuries Board has revealed new figures that show personal injury claims have increased by over 4% in 2012 and by almost ¼ (24%) since 2007.
The Board which assesses personal injury claims and makes awards relating to motor, employer and public liability accidents has confirmed that the increase was driven by motor claims which increased by nearly 7%.
The Board has confirmed the following claims and awards trends:-
- The total compensation awarded by the State body increased by 4% to €217 million.
- The average award amounted to €21,502, the highest award being €697,495.00.
- 75% of awards were road traffic accidents, while the remainder related to workplace and public place accidents.
- Motor claims increased by 6.7% in the same period.
- Work-related claims reduced by 1%.
- County Limerick had the largest number of awards as a proportion of population with County Kilkenny having the lowest number of awards per head of population.
- There were 28,962 new claims in 2012 with the number of new awards being 10,136.
Moloney & Company, Solicitors provide excellent advice to victims of motor, work and public liability accidents. If you wish to discuss your case in the strictest confidence please contact Liam Moloney, Solicitor today at 045-898000.