The Injuries Board have confirmed that 31,576 new claims were lodged with them in 2014 and that they made 12,420 awards last year. This figure is up by 16% from the previous year.
The total amount awarded by The Board was €281 million compared to €245 million in 2013 which is an increase of 15%.
Motor, employment and public liability claims have increased steadily from 2008 along with the amount of awards. The average employment liability award in 2014 was just over €32,000 with public liability awards being €21,000. Work accidents comprised most employer liability claims and slip, trip and fall claims in public places amount for the majority of public liability claims.
Awards for motor accidents accounted for 3 out of 4 awards but the average award value was lower than for any other type of injury at €21,215.
Commenting on the latest figures Liam Moloney Personal Injury Solicitor said ‘the Injuries Board are only assessing compensation in just over a third of claims that are submitted to them. It is clear that many claimants are deciding to settle their claims directly with insurance companies with the assistance of their Solicitors or reject the awards made by The Board and seek greater compensation in the Courts.”