With social distancing nearly impossible and facilities unable to provide adequate safeguards, Irish Prisons may soon become Covid-19 hotspots.
As the novel coronavirus has spread throughout Ireland a number of prisoners and prison staff have now tested positive for Covid-19 with four prisons around the country affected. Legal claims seeking damages for the negligent acquisition of covid-19 may be pursued by prisoners and prison staff.
Speaking about the potential for such cases, Litigation Solicitor Liam Moloney who has experience in handling infectious disease cases for prison staff said today ‘’Irish Prisons may soon become hotspots for Covid-19 infections where inmates and prison staff alike are unable to adequately social distance and therefore have little protection from the virus. Prisons must quickly identify and isolate infected individuals, increase facility cleanings and provide adequate numbers of masks to protect the prison population and staff.’’
Mr Moloney added ‘’the Irish Prison Service have a duty of care to ensure that the risks of transmission and spread of Covid-19 infection are minimised in their prisons. They must also screen and monitor the prison population for Covid-19 and adopt appropriate measures to protect the prison population from infection”.
He continued “while it is claimed that the infection control team in each prison are confident that they have isolated the infected inmates and staff in time to prevent further spread of the virus prison staff come in and out of prisons each day and prisoners are released daily so a prison outbreak could have community consequences”.
For further information – please contact Liam Moloney Solicitor, 4a North Main Street, Naas, Co. Kildare.
Tel: 045 898000 /1800 200249 or via email at liammoloney@moloneysolicitors.ie
Website : www.moloneysolicitors.ie