Scalding injuries caused by hot water count for hundreds of serious and sometimes fatal burn injuries each year. Such injuries lead to excruciating pain and permanent disfigurement. Children and the elderly are most at risk from these types of injuries.
Home hot water heaters can produce water hot enough to cause third-degree burns within seconds. Hot-warm-cold settings on the heaters can also be misleading and mixing valves in shower heads and basin faucets are not always reliable and changes in water pressure can suddenly elevate water temperature to unsafe levels.
Speaking about the dangers of hot water tap burns Liam Moloney Product Liability Solicitor commented “negligence often plays a role in many of these accidents. Among the negligent actions are setting the thermostat too high, reversing hot and cold water pipes, misplacing the temperature sensing rod, failing to install a mixing valve and failing to inspect the water spigot. Design defects can also include equipment malfunction, failure to warn of scalding dangers and failure to install accurate temperature controls.”
If any of these issues affect you please feel free to contact Liam Moloney Product Liability Solicitor today at 045-898000 or email Mr Moloney today at