The procedure when making a claim for an asbestos related disease.
In Ireland a personal injury compensation claim for an asbestos related disease must be started within 2 years from the date when the person suffering from the condition became aware of the diagnosis.
In fatal cases a claim must be commenced by the personal representative of the Deceased person within 2 years of the date of death, or within 2 years from the date the Deceased’s family became aware that the cause of death was due to asbestos exposure. It is important that legal advice about making a claim is sought without delay.
Once you have decided to instruct a personal injury Solicitor, they will investigate whether the employer is responsible for the asbestos exposures or whether the insurer’s can be traced. If it is possible to pursue a claim it will also be necessary to investigate the medical issues and obtain evidence to assess and prove the potential value of the claim.
Choosing the right firm of Solicitors who have the necessary specialist expertise to deal with asbestos related disease claims is the most important decision any client can take. Moloney & Co. Solicitors has unrivalled experience in this important and complex area of personal injury law and has associations with prominent UK law firms who have handled thousand of asbestos related claims in the UK.
If any of these issues concern you please feel free to contact our Mr. Liam Moloney Solicitor on 045 898000 or log onto our website for further information at