The Northern Ireland Assembly is shortly to pass a Bill which will ban under-18s from using sun beds.
The Northern Ireland Assembly has made plans to reduce instances of UV related cancers through public awareness campaigns. It has long been established that over exposure to UV rays (Ultra Violet radiation) can cause burn injuries to the skin as well as the eyes. It is also known to be a contributory cause of skin cancer. Over a 25 year period skin cancer cases have nearly trebled. It is now the most common type of cancer in Northern Ireland and accounts for 28% of all individuals diagnosed with cancer. This increased rate is not entirely due to the use of sun beds.
Research shows that using sun beds before the age of 30 can increase the risk of developing melanoma skin cancer by up to 75% and the mortally for melanoma due to sun bed use alone is estimated to be about 100 deaths per year in the UK.
Available evidence indicates that the cosmetic use of sun beds by children should be discouraged because of the associated risk of skin cancer and other health problems.
If any of these issues affect you please contact Liam Moloney Solicitor, Naas, Co. Kildare on 045 898000 for further advice or simply log onto our website at