A study has shown that smoking raises the risks of acute pancreatitis. A Swedish study noted that previous studies had shown that smoking raised the risk of chronic pancreatitis but said the effects on acute pancreatitis had not been fully studied.
Their research showed current smokers with a history of “20 pack-years” of smoking or more had double the risk on non gall stone related acute pancreatitis compared with non smokers.
Duration of smoking rather than the intensity was a major factor. A 12 year old follow up study was done in Sweden and included 84,000 adults. After two decades of smoking cessation, the risk of non gall stone related acute pancreatitis was reduced to level comparable to that if never-smokers.
The authors of the studies say that this finding suggested that early smoking cessation should be recommended across the clinical management of patients with pancreatitis.
If you have contracted a respiratory illness as a result of smoking cigarettes you may be entitled to claim compensation for personal injuries and your medical expenses. Please feel free to contact Liam Moloney, Solicitor, who is an expert in product liability law at 045 898000 or simply log onto our website www.moloneysolicitors.ie for further information.