Thankfully, our Vaccine rollout program continues to gather pace and more and more people are getting vaccinated daily for the coronavirus. Understandably, the vaccine can take its toll on the body and leave the injection site tender and sore, but these are all recognized and acceptable side effects of vaccines. When it comes to the Covid-19 vaccines, it’s important for businesses to be prepared for the effect it may have on their employees. To better understand workplace procedures and rules about the Covid-19 vaccine here are some typical queries we have received and our responses:
Can employers insist that their employees get vaccinated?
In our legal opinion, no employers can require their employees to get vaccinated as it would infringe upon employees’ right to privacy, autonomy, and bodily integrity. Bodily integrity is the right to protect your body from unjustifiable interference. There is also a chance of violating people’s right to freedom of religion which could breach equality legislation.
Consulting with a Solicitor who has experience in advising about employment rights is the most reliable way to be sure that you are following all of the rules when it comes to considering rules around vaccine administration.
Can your employer query your Vaccination Status?
Employers cannot query your vaccination status as it is a private health matter. For an employer to ask an employee to disclose this type of information would be a huge violation of their right to privacy and a breach of ethics.
If any employees are worried about their safety due to the possibility of being around unvaccinated co-workers, an Employer’s obligation, under law, is to provide a safe place of work. Employers do not have to guarantee the safety of their employees but they can engage in discussions with their staff as to how to implement all necessary safeguards to guard against infection spreading in the workplace.
If any of these issues affect you and you wish to take legal advice from a Solicitor about the issues that have arisen by the Covid Vaccine rollout please contact Moloney Solicitors today at or click the button below to call!