The Injuries Board measures the level of compensation for people who have sustained personal injuries in road, work and public place accidents.
It can only deal with cases where there is no dispute on liability. The Board relies solelynon medical reports furnished to them as they never hear from claimants as to how their injuries have affected them.
All personal injury claims (except medical negligence claims) must be lodged with the Injuries Board within two years from the date of the accident. A form is completed by your Solicitor and lodged with the Board together with a medical report and a cheque for
€45.00. The Injuries Board then forward a copy of the application to the respondents and/ or their insurance company requesting their consent to the Board making an assessment of damages.
If consent is given by the other side for an assessment to take place, the Board will have their own panel of doctors to assess the claimant’s injuries. If an objection is made to the Board by the respondents, the Board will issue an Authorisation which allows the
claimant to issue legal proceedings through the Court system against the respondent.
The Injuries Board do not pay claimants legal fees but do cover out of pocket expenses.
If you would like moreinformation on the Injuries Board, visit our Injuries Board Page.